Action Α.1: Stakeholders Consultation
- Deliverable A1.1 - Minutes from the two stakeholders’ consultation events and Deliverable D4.1 – Minutes from the public consultation events in the Municipality of Ancient Olympia (merged version).
- Deliverable A1.1B - Minutes from the two stakeholders’ consultation events
- Deliverable Α1.2 - List of stakeholders engaged
- Deliverable Α1.3 - Report on market specifications set by local/regional recycling companies. Revised on December 2017
Action A2: Setting the Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) Strategy for the remote municipalities of Naxos and Ancient Olympia
- Deliverable Α2.1 - Integrated Solid Waste Management strategy for the remote area of NAXOS. Revised on March 2019
- Deliverable Α2.2 - Integrated Solid Waste Management strategy for the remote area of OLYMPIA. Revised on March 2019
Action B1: Design of a prototype, innovative system for source separation and treatment of MSW
- Deliverable Β1.1 - Technical specifications for four different prototype designs, Β1.2 - Full engineering drawings for the prototype, Β1.3 - Report explaining the design procedure
Action B.2: Engineering, construction and installation of the innovative system for the source separation and treatment of municipal solid waste
- Deliverable Β2.1 - Nine (9) prototype recycling systems and Deliverable B2.2 Report on the construction and installation of nine (9) prototype recycling systems
- Deliverable Β2.3 - Operation and maintenance manual of the prototype system
Action B.3: Operation, optimization and demonstration of the innovative systems in selected areas of the participating municipalities
- Deliverable B3.1 & B3.2 - Report on the operation of the prototype systems
Action B.4: Evaluation of the results of implementation - Assessment of end-products marketability - Life Cycle Assessment of the prototype systems
- Deliverable B4.1 - Report on the results of the implementation of the scheme at the target areas
- Deliverable Β4.2A - Report on the Life-Cycle Assessment of the prototype systems
- Deliverable Β4.2B - Report on the Life-Cycle Assessment of the prototype systems – The case of carbon dioxide emissions
Action B.5: Suggestions for full-scale implementation of the project - Replicability of the project in other European countries
- Deliverable B5.1 - Report on the suggestions for the full-scale implementation of the project in the two targeted remote areas
- Deliverable Β5.2A - Report on the replication of the proposed innovative recycling systems in the follower remote municipalities
- Deliverable Β5.2B - Report on the replication of the proposed innovative recycling systems in the follower remote municipalities – the case study of Spain
Action C.1: Key performance indicators / Monitoring Protocol
- Deliverable C1.1 Revised on December 2021 - List and values of indicators selected for monitoring the outcomes of the project. Revised on December 2018
Action C.2: Assessing the current state of target areas
- Deliverable C2.1 - Report on the current state of environment in target areas
Action C.3: Monitoring the environmental impact of the project
- Deliverable C3.1- Report on the project’s environmental impact on the target areas
Action C.4: Monitoring of the socio-economic impact of the project
- Deliverable C4.1 - Report on the project’s socio-economic impact
Action D.1: Development and updating of the project website
- Deliverable D1.1 - Creation and update of the project’s website
Action D.2: LIFE+ Information boards
- Deliverable D2.1 - Photos from the installed information boards (4) at the premises of the project partners
- Deliverable D2.2 - Photos of the installed information boards (9) at the premises of the project partners
Action D.3: Development of the Communication Plan and Tools
- Deliverable D3.2 - Final Communication Plan
Action D.4: Organization of information activities
- Deliverable D4.1 B - Minutes from the public consultation events in the Municipality of Naxos & Small Cyclades
- Deliverable D4.2 - Minutes from the first stakeholder meeting
- Deliverable D4.3 - Minutes from didactic events
- Deliverable D4.4 – Minutes from the 2nd stakeholder meeting
- Deliverable D4.5 - Minutes from 3rd stakeholders meeting
- Deliverable D4.6 - Four (4) set of leaflets
Action D.5: Organization of training activities - Capacity Building
- Deliverable D5.1 - Deliverable D5.1 – Minutes of the training sessions
Action D.6: Report for policy-makers
- Deliverable D6.1 & D6.2 & D6.3 - Report for policy makers for Greek municipalities
- Deliverable D6.4 - Report for policy makers for Spanish municipalities
Action D.7: Layman’s Report
- Deliverable D7.1 - Layman’s Report
Action E.1: Project management by NAXOS and reporting to the EC
- Deliverable E1.1 - Minutes from the kick-off meeting
- Deliverable E1.5 - Minutes of management meetings
Action E.2: Indicators - Monitoring and Evaluation
- Deliverable E2.1 - First End-of-Action Report (Implementation Actions A1 & A2)
- Deliverable E2.2 - Second End-of-Action Report (Implementation Actions B1 & B2)
- Deliverable E2.3 - Third end-of-action report (Implementation Actions B3 & B4 & B5)
- Deliverable E2.4 - Fourth end-of-action report (Implementation Actions C)
- Deliverable E2.5 - Fifth end-of-action report (Implementation Actions D)
Action E.3: After-LIFE Communication Plan
- Deliverable E3.1 - After-LIFE Communication Plan